The BVG drives Berlin towards the future
The BVG moves people forward
The Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG) is Germany's largest public transport company, using modern technology and innovative strategies to master the major ecological and social challenges of future mobility.
We are the beating heart of Berlin.
With its underground U-Bahn and its tram, bus and ferry services, the BVG ensures that over one billion passengers a year reach their destinations on time in an affordable and environmentally friendly manner. Our aim is to operate reliably and flexibly and to respond innovatively to the requirements of a changing and constantly growing city. By intelligently networking various mobility services, we are actively driving forward the mobility transition. Our goal is and remains mobility for everyone.
In short: the BVG moves all of Berlin, around the clock, day after day, today and in the future.
The BVG Management Board
The BVG Executive Board manages the company's strategic and operational business. Henrik Falk has been Chief Executive Officer since January 2024. Jenny Zeller-Grothe has been Board Member for Human Resources and Social Affairs since January 2023.

Supervisory Board
The Supervisory Board monitors and advises the Management Board on all key business activities. As a public law institution, the Supervisory Board is chaired by Franziska Giffey.
Media & Press
Our press office will happily assist journalists and media professionals with all enquiries regarding the Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG).
You can find contacts, press releases (in German) and press images to download here, as well as information and contact options for filming permits. You can reach us by phone at +49 (0)30 256 27901 or by email at
Filming and photography
We have more than enough scenery to offer.
Whether you’re looking for something new or historic, rolling or stationary, central or far away, the BVG's potpourri of backdrops is like our passengers: extensive, diverse and varied. Accordingly, the BVG receives daily requests from photographers, filmmakers and television crews from all over the world. The BVG is always ready to assist with requests for footage. However, please keep in mind that the BVG's core business is the safe and reliable transportationof our passengers. This means that all planned recordings (whether private or professional) on the premises, in the facilities and in vehicles of the BVG require prior written permission.
Photo- and film enquiries:
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