BVG Digital Accessibility Disclaimer Fahrinfo-App
The BVG strives to make its mobile applications accessible without barriers. The digital accessibility declaration is required by the Berlin Accessible Information and Communication Technology Act (BIKTG Bln). The technical requirements for accessibility are derived from BITV 2.0.
This digital accessibility disclaimer applies to the BVG Android Fahrinfo application. The BVG Fahrinfo app is also available for Android and as webapp ( All versions are largely accessible, although there are still some shortcomings.
The respective end devices (smartphone and tablet) offer users a wide range of operating aids and settings in the corresponding system settings (Android and iOS) with which the apps can be used.
When was the accessibility statement drafted?
This statement was revised on 24th Mai 2022. The initial technical review of accessibility was supported by an external reviewer (Appmatics GmbH)
How accessible is the website?
The Fahrinfo application for Android smartphones is only partially accessible. It complies in part with the requirements of BITV 2.0.
Which areas are not barrier-free?
The areas listed below are not barrier-free for the following reasons:
- Restriction of screen orientation: Currently only portrait mode possible.
- Time limit customisable: Purchase confirmation pop-up disappears automatically after 5-10 sec.
- Moving content can be switched off: Ticket clock animation, which cannot be paused / Ticket loading animation below the navigation bar and partly within the text field when ticket is purchased or price is calculated. Animation longer than 5 sec and other content remains visible.
- Focus order: VoiceOver is incorrect in the "Map" area.
Focus order in "Emergency call and services" is incorrect, partial skipping of CTA "Call" in VoiceOver. - Alternatives for complex pointer gestures: Map zoom-out only possible with two fingers.
- Language of individual sections can be determined: English words are not always recognised as such and are often pronounced in German.
- Unified designation: Inconsistent number designations (sometimes whole number designations, sometimes only single digits for telephone numbers)
BVG's Android Fahrinfo app is currently being redeveloped and will replace this existing version at the beginning of 2024. As with the initial implementation, the issue of accessibility will be taken into account as carefully as possible. In the meantime, however, deficiencies will also be iteratively included or implemented in the release management for the current Fahrinfo app if the effort justifies it.
Who can you contact with comments or questions about digital accessibility?
Have you noticed any accessibility issues regarding the iOS Fahrinfo application? If so, please feel free to contact us at
Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG) - AöR -
Holzmarktstraße 15-17 10179 Berlin
Telefon: 030/19449
Arbitration procedure
If a satisfactory solution has not been found despite your feedback, you can turn to the arbitration board according to § 16 BGG. The BGG arbitration board is tasked with supporting out-of-court dispute resolution in the event of conflicts on the topic of accessibility between individuals with disabilities and federal public agencies. The arbitration procedure is free of charge. There is no need to involve legal representation. Further information on the arbitration procedure and the options for submitting an application can be found at:
For questions or comments on the topic of digital accessibility, the e-mail address can be used at any time. A contact form is currently being created.
Further information can be found on the following page (in German):
Updated: 24th May 2022