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Your New BVG Ticket App

Our BVG Ticket App is already good and yellow, but we want to take it a step further: better, faster, more intuitive, and easier to use. That’s why we’re working on a new version. To make sure it works just as you and we imagine, we need your support as a beta tester.

Become a BVG Ticket App Beta Tester

Do you have an Android or iOS smartphone? Then seize the chance to participate in the beta test of the new Ticket App.

What You Can Test:

  • The new design – does it win you over?
  • The functionality of the new ticketing section – does everything run smoothly?
  • Potential improvements – what could we make even better?
  • Your feedback is invaluable! Please send it to us via email (see below).

Important Notes for Beta Testers:

  • We’re starting small: limited spots for Android and iOS, but don’t worry – we’ll gradually expand the testing group.
  • The beta test app will overwrite the current Ticket App on your phone.
  • Your valid tickets and settings will not be transferred (more on this below).
  • The beta test app may be less stable, and some features may not be fully developed yet.
  • Payment options: PayPal, direct debit, credit card, Apple Pay, and Google Pay (we don’t accept cash!).
  • You can opt out of the beta test at any time and reinstall the BVG Ticket App from the store. All your old tickets will be restored after logging in.

Und so erreichst du uns:

Your feedback is our compass!
As a beta tester, you’re our hero!

Your input helps us optimize the app and tailor it to your needs. Please share any issues, suggestions, and ideas you encounter while using the beta test app. The more details you provide, the better we can understand and improve things.

The faster you send us your feedback, the quicker we can respond! Especially if you discover a problem.

  • Email: (please use the subject line: Feedback Android Beta Test Ticket App or iOS Beta Test Ticket App)
  • Or directly from the app under Service / App Info / Email to Support (please don’t change the subject line here).

Thank you for your support and happy testing!

If you no longer wish to participate in the beta test (which we’d find very unfortunate):

For Android Users:

  • Open the Google Play Store on your device.
  • Search for the Beta Ticket App.
  • Tap on the app and select “Leave.”
  • Uninstall the beta version of the Ticket App.
  • Install the store version of the Ticket App from the Google Play Store.

For iOS Users:

  • Open the TestFlight app.
  • Click on the Ticket App and then on “Stop Testing.”
  • The beta version of the Ticket App will be removed from the TestFlight app.
  • Uninstall the beta version of the Ticket App.
  • Install the version of the Ticket App from the App Store.

Enjoy testing!
Your BVG Ticket App Team