Barrier-free through Berlin with the BVG
Everything you need to know about barrier-free travel, mobility training, and the VBB companion service.
Do you use a wheelchair, walking aid or cane to get around? Do you have a visual impairment and want to know how to find your way around on buses and trains? Do you have a hearing impairment and are unsure of how to obtain information at train stations?
Here you will find the most important information regarding barrier-free travel with the BVG. You'll also find the latest news on the accessibility of our vehicles and stations. Furthermore, we'll also give you an overview of what you can expect from the BVG in the future when it comes to accessibility.
Facts and figures on accessibility
BVG subway stations (U-Bahn)
85 % of Berlin’s subway stations can be reached without steps, and 73 % have a guidance system for the blind. Our goal: by 2022, almost all stations should be barrier-free. More information about this can be found in the current public transportation plan for Berlin.
BVG stops
There are 825 tram stops in Berlin. More than 595 of them are barrier-free.
A barrier-free bus stop is at least 16 cm high and has a guidance system for the blind. There are almost 6500 bus stops in Berlin, although not all are barrier-free yet. Nevertheless, passengers in wheelchairs can easily get on, as all buses have ramps. Since 2020 we have been testing a bus stop that is 22 cm high. Here passengers in wheelchairs no longer need ramps to get on.
All newer subway railcars are accessible at ground level – that is already 45 %. All older railcars have ramps for barrier-free access. All tram lines are equipped with barrier-free vehicles. These have ramps and plenty of space. However, some vehicles with steps are still used when it is particularly busy. Since 2009 all BVG buses are barrier-free. Additionally, all motorized ferries also are barrier-free.
The VBB guide service for bus and train
You feel more comfortable with company on buses and trains? Or you have a disability and don’t want to use Berlin's public transportation alone? Then book the VBB guide service for bus and train. It is free of charge and can be ordered on an individual basis. Further information can be found here or by calling the phone number (030) 346 49 940.
Barrier-free 2030: New challenges
At the BVG we work on removing barriers every day. For example, we are simplifying the information system in subway stations. Every passenger should be able to find their way as intuitively and automatically as possible. We make sure that information is visible and audible at the same time. The so-called two-senses principle enables deaf people to see information and blind people to hear information. Digital accessibility is also important to us – our BVG-Apps are constantly optimized accordingly.