Berlin Ticket S
Berlin residents receiving social benefits can purchase the Berlin ticket S (social ticket). The ticket entitles the holder to use all public transport in the AB fare zone.
The Berlin-Ticket S is only valid with a VBB customer card Berlin S or benefit certificate and registered name.
The Berlin Senate has decided that from January 1, 2025, the current benefit certificates can continue to be used as proof of eligibility for the Berlin Ticket S. However, new proof of eligibility will no longer be issued - this option ended on September 30, 2024. The VBB customer card Berlin S will also cease to be issued on December 31, 2024.
If you possess a VBB customer card Berlin S that is valid beyond 31 December 2024, you can continue to use it until its expiry date. If you do not have a VBB customer card or if it expires before or after 1 January 2025, the usual process of presenting a current, valid benefit decision confirmation will still apply. For data protection reasons, personal details may be redacted.
Must be clearly recognizable:
- the letterhead
- Title of the letter (notification of approval / benefit)
- Surname and first name
- approval period
- respective number for the transfer to the value section
In order to be able to use the Berlin-Ticket S in the future, the reference number of the benefit certificate or, for people who receive benefits from the Jobcenter, the BG number of the benefit certificate must be entered on it.
Important: From January 1, 2025, the reference number or the BG number must no longer be used. From this date, the full first name and surname must be entered on the ticket and the benefit notification or benefit certificate must be carried.
If you have any questions about the VBB customer card Berlin S, please visit the website or contact our BVG call center: 030 19449.
Purchase of Berlin ticket S
The social ticket, which is discounted to 9 euros, can now be purchased at ticket machines, in private agencies or in the ticket app and the BVG Fahrinfo app. It is now possible to buy tickets at customer centers possible, but this is not recommended due to the high number of people expected. Due to expected high levels of demand, we advise against purchases at a BVG customer centre.