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Mobile Ticket: Account Changes & Guidelines

Account changes

Please make sure to add your subscription to your own BVG account with correct contact details in order to avoid false names on your mobile ticket. Don’t use existing accounts of people you might know in order to avoid legal issues.

Wrong name on BVG account

You have a BVG account with wrong personal information? Here is an easy step-by-step instruction on how to change that.

1. Log in

Log in to your BVG account ("BVG-Konto") via the menu at

Screenshot der Startseite von

2. BVG account

Here you can make changes to name, address and payments via "Kontofunktionen" (account settings). Click on "Name ändern" (change name).

Screen der Kontoänderung in Abo Online

3. Update

Add the correct name and click on "Anfrage abschicken" (submit request) and log off and back in to your account. You should find the updates in your account.

Namensänderung Abo Online

In order to link the change with your mobile ticket, you also have to log off and back into your preferred BVG app. Everything regarding the registration on the BVG app can be found at

The change will only be visible on your ticket next month. But don't worry, your ticket will still be valid.

Subscription connected to wrong BVG account

You have ordered your subscription via the wrong BVG account e.g. one of your family members? 
Follow the step-by-step instruction in order to solve that problem.

1. BVG Account

Log in to the BVG account where the subscription is connected.

Screen vom Startbildschirm von "Abo Online"

2. Edit subscription

Go to "Abo bearbeiten" (edit subscription) and click on "Abo-Online Account löschen" (delete Abo-Online account). Your subscription will not get cancelled. NOTE: If your account holds more than one subscription you need to write down the "Kundennummer" in order to add back the other subscriptions.

Screen zum Bearbeiten des Abos

3. New log in

Log off and in to the BVG account where the subscription should get connected to.

Screen zur Anmeldung in Abo-Online.

4. Connect subscription

After logging in you can add your subscription via the subscription number (Kundennumer) which you have written down before or have been sent via mail.

Screen zum Bearbeiten des Abos in Abo Online.

In order to link the change with your mobile ticket, you also have to log off and new in with the correct account into your preferred BVG app. Everything regarding the registration on the BVG app can be found at

It can take up to 72 hours for your mobile ticket to integrate the update.